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Re: [ARSCLIST] Mould &tape

Hi Will; Sorry about your problems. In order to prevent this, one needs to know the basics of chemistry/biology and take the right steps to stop it. Generally, any organic material in the presence of moisture is a candidate for mold and fungus problems. Mold and fungus are primitive organic biological life forms which feed upon organic materials in a weakened or near terminal state. Mold and fungus acts as a scavenger or a 'funeral undertaker' in completing the organic life cycle of living substances. In magnetic tape, all its chemicals, with the exception of the inorganic magnetic particles and perhaps some lubricants, can be attacked by mold and fungus. Thus the base film, the binder chemicals, and the carbon black back coating substances are open to this attack. Ordinary air usually has some free mold and fungus spores in it. When these spores can land, find a suitable home and growth situation, they will reproduce explosively, doing the damage you mention. Being living predatory parasitic organisms, they must have food for their life and reproduction cycle. Thus they then eat away at tapes and other tasty organic materials. Some mold and fungus has a powerful appetite and it "Pigs Out" rapidly on its prey while other forms "take it slow." There are various remedies, some safe and some not. One does need to take precautions to stop the outbreak or spread of mold or fungus and also to prevent personal injury and health problems. There are parties who know how to do this safely.

As to attacking tape heads, etc, no, the mold and fungus does not attack them directly because these items are inorganic materials. However, mold and fungus have a physical structure similar to that of a sponge and thus can carry and/or retain other chemicals that will attack the heads. The additional moisture in the fungus can directly oxidize the metal parts,. If the moisture combines with other tape chemicals, then alcohol, carboxyl acid or hydrochloric acid can be generated which will attack the heads. Cross contamination from the tape, to the tape machine parts, and then to more tapes is certainly a possibility. It does happen in some cases. However, a very thorough effective cleaning can usually prevent this.

You are also correct that in general, the tape problems are getting worse. The reasons are multiple and interactive. There are some problems in the manufacture of tape, with the carbon black back coating being one of the worst chemical mistakes of all time. It is a moisture sponge and a seed bed for the growth of mold and fungus. In my laboratory work and published chemical paper, there is direct visual microscopic evidence why this is the case. Shown are high 800X magnification pictures of the mold and fungus attacking the carbon black. Tapes which do not have the carbon coating are generally much more resistant to the deterioration problems. When the carbon black is completely removed from both tape surfaces, the mold and fungus it contains is removed and disposed of. The restored tape recovers superbly to a nearly new condition. So far there has not been a recurrence of mold and fungus attacks with properly restored tapes. Do take note of the real fact that tapes have extraordinary positive chemical capabilities. If handled right they will be cured of their problems, come back to normal use, and be highly archival with superb sonic performance. The tapes can last for the ages, provided they are not subjected to ruinous abused by ill considered destructive remedies. Human mistreatment of one kind or another is
the major source for causing and failing to permanently fix the tape problems. Treat a tape respectfully with clear headed, complete, correct, and comprehensive chemical understanding and it will return the favor many times over.

It is remarkable that with 30 years of major tape problems, endless complaints from customers, dispositive laboratory evidence, that tapes continue to be made with the awful carbon black coating. This repeated error just guarantees more future tape problems of the very same kind will come to pass year after year. Many parties opine that a tape is inherently inferior if it does not have carbon black coating on it. Analytic Chemists know better. However, tape makers are pressured by the market to add the carbon coating to the tapes, in complete disregard of the chemical analysis not to do so.

Other problems arise from handling and storage issues. Many quick fix remediation methods make matters much worse, not better, because of the many inherent damaging magnetic and chemical consequences. Even so, typical tape problems can be corrected if there is the willingness and ability to do strict chemical science and use new restoration methods with exacting precision. However, If the current entrenched erroneous beliefs and practices continue unabated, the future is grim and dim not only for tape but many other media, etc, The increasing negative trend towards tape disaster is not forced upon us by inexorable fate. It is largely brought on by human failure to do and then follow the high level sophisticated chemical science the matter requires for solution.

Best Wishes, Charlie Richardson

On Jul 21, 2008, at 9:31 AM, Prentice, Will wrote:

The following quote is taken from the website of an audio transfer
business in the southwest of Scotland (http://www.preciousvoices.co.uk/ )

"[Mould on tapes is] caused by storing tapes in damp or humid places
during warm moist Summers and its destroying tapes as never before. Its
as infectious to other tapes as measles is to children and if it gets
onto the recording heads of tape players it destroys them too, as well
as infecting every other tape played on that machine. So its not
surprising that there isn't a professional audio restorer in the World
that will handle mouldy tapes. From a rare phenomena seven years ago its
now affecting almost ten per cent of all the old audio and video tapes
seen by specialist audio restorers."

Does this reflect anyone else's experience?



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