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Re: [ARSCLIST] Orchestras of the World transcriptions

Here's a list of "Orchestras of the World" transcriptions. It's entirely possible that I also have the missing sequence numbers among the large stack of SESAC and AFN discs that I got at the same time.

Obviously, each program was split onto four 16-inch sides, in "broadcast" sequence, so the radio station's board operator could go from each side to the next one on a second turntable, without interruption. E.g., Sides 1 and 3 were on one disc, and sides 2 and 4 on the other. There appear to have been at least fifteen separate one-hour programs.

It's clear that each program features a major national orchestra playing native composers from that country. With obvious exceptions, I have to say that I've never heard of many of the composers.

Any additional information will be most welcome.

Orchestras of the World

Ref No. SSZ2    Austria Vienna Philharmonic, Rudolf Morait, conducting
        2       Franz Schmidt: Zwischenspiel aus Notre Dame
        4       Schubert: Fifth Symphony (Continued)

Ref No. SSZ3 Denmark Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Launy Grondahl, cond
1 Knudage Riisager: Erasmus Montanus
Svend Erik Tarp: Battle of Jericho (1st Part)
3 Carl Nielson: Second Symphony (2nd Part)

Ref No. SSZ4    Denmark Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Launy Grondahl, cond
        2       Svend Erik Tarp: Battle of Jericho (Concl)
                Carl Nielson: Second Symphony (1st Part)
        4       Carl Nielson: Second Symphony (Concl)

Ref No. SSZ5    Italy   Turin Symphony Orchestra, Mario Rossi conducting
        1       Monteverdi: Symphonic Excerpts "Orfeo"
                Vivaldi: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra (1st Part)
        3       Rossini: Italian in Algiers (concluded)
                Verdi: Overture to "The Force of Destiny"

Ref No. SSZ6    Italy   Turin Symphony Orchestra, Mario Rossi conducting
        2       Vivaldi: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra (Concluded)
                Rossini: Italian in Algiers (First Part)
        4       Respighi: Fountains of Rome

Ref. No. SSZ7 Greece Greek State Symphony Orchestra, Dr. Philotetes Oikonomedes, cond
1 Antiochis Evangelatos: Overture to a Drama
Marios Vavaaglion" Suite Pastoral (1st Part)
3 Petros Petridis: Greek Dances
Manolis Calomiris: Triptichion (1st Part)

Ref. No. SSZ8 Greece Greek State Symphony Orchestra, Dr. Philotetes Oikonomedes, cond
2 Marios Vavaglios: Suite Pastorale (Concl)
4 Manolis Calomiris: Triptichon (Concluded)

Ref No. SSZ9    Germany RIAS Symphony Orchestra, Ferenc Fricsay, cond
        1       Bach: Second Brandenberg Concerto (First Part)
        3       Boris Blacher: Variations on the Paganini Theme (Conclusion)
                Werner Egks: French Suite (First Part)

Ref No. SSZ10   Germany         RIAS Symphony Orchestra, Ferenc Fricsay, cond
        2       Bach: Second Brandenburg Concerto (Conclusion)
                Boris Blacher: Variations on the Paganini Theme (First Part)
        4       Werner Egks: French Suite (Conclusion)

Ref. No. SSZ11  Norway  Oslo Philharominc, Odd Gruner-Hegge, cond
        1       Grieg: Piano Concerto in A Minor (First movement)
        3       Johan Halvorsen: Norwegian Rhapsody No. 1

Ref No. SSZ12 Norway Oslo Philharominc, Odd Gruner-Hegge, cond 2 Grieg: Piano Concerto in A minor (2nd and 3rd Movements) 4 Johann Svendsen: Carnival in Paris

Ref No. SSZ13   Britain BBC Symphony Orchestra, Sir Adrian Boult, cond
        1       Elgar: Introduction and Allegro for Strings
        3       Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 6 (second and Third Movements)

Ref No. SSZ14 Britain BBC Symphony Orchestra, Sir Adrian Boult, cond
2 Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 6 (1st Movement)
4 Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 6 (End Third and Fourth Movement)

Ref No. SSZ15   Ireland Radio Eireann Symphony Orchestra, Jean Martinon, cond
        1       Charles Stanford: Overture to the Opera "Shamus O'Brien"
                Redmond Friel: Two Linked Melodies from Donegal
        3.      J. F. Larchet: Tinker's Wedding (Conclusion)
                Hamilton Harty: With the Wild Geese (First Part)

Ref No. SSZ16   Ireland Radio Eireann Symphony Orchestra, Jean Martinon cnd
        2       E.J. Moeran: Serenade in G (First part)
        4       Hamilton Harty: With the Wild Geese (Last three movements)

Ref No. SS19 Portugal Symphony Orchestra of the Portugese National Radio, Pedro de Freita-Branco, cond
1 Joly Brage Santos: The Second Overture
3 Luis de Freitas-Branco: Alentejo Suite No. 1 (3rd Movement)

Ref SSZ221      Sweden  Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sten Frykberg, cond
        1       Dag Wiren: Alla Marcia
                William Seymer: Sun Flower
                Wilhelm Petersen-Berger: Froso Flowers
        3       Hugo Alven: Midsummer Eve (Conclusion)
                Evert Taubee: Medley of Swedish Folk Music (First Part)

Ref No. SSZ22   Sweden  Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sten Frykberg, cond
        2       Wilhelm Peterson-Berger: Froso Flowers
                Hugo Alven: Midsummer Eve (1st Part)
        4       Evert Taube: Medley of Swedish Folk Music (Conclusion)
                Erik Larsen: Pastoral Suite

Ref No. SSZ24 Belgium Belgian National Radio Symphony. Daniel Sternfeld, Condunctiing
2 Andre Gretry: Village Dances
4 Robert Herberigs: Anthony and Cleopatra (Conclusion)

Ref No. SSZ25 Turkey Presidential Philharmonic Orchestra, Hasan Ferit Alnar, Conducting
1 Alnar: Prelude and Two Dances
3 Necil Kazim Akses: Poems for Cello

Ref. No. SSZ26 Turkey Presidential Philharmonic Orchestra, Mr. Erkin, Conducting
2 Ulvi Cemal Erkin: Dance Rhapsody
4 Ulvi Cemal Erkin: Second Movement of First Symphony

Ref. No. SSZ27 Switzerland Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Edmond Appia, cond
1 Emile Jaques Dalcroze: La Suisse est Belle (Part 1)
3 Roger Vuataz: Petit Concert (Conclusion)
Pierre Wissmer: Le Bal chez Sylvie (Part 1)

Ref No. SSZ28 Switzerland Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Edmond Appia, cond
2 Emile Jacques Dalcroze: La Suisse est Belle (Conclusion)
Roger Vuataz: Petit Concert (Part 1)
4 Pierre Wissmer: Le Bal chez Sylvie (Conclusion)

Ref No. SSZ29 Netherlands Concertgebouw Orchestra, Eduard van Beinum, cond (2 copies)
1 Johan Wagenlaar: Taming of the Shrew
Alex Voormolen: Concerto for 2 Oboes (1st Movement)
3 Jan van Gilse: Song of Tagore
Hans Henkemans: Passacaglia and Gigue (Part 1)

Ref No. SSZ30 Netherlands Concertgebouw Orchestra, Eduard van Beinum, cond (2 copies)
2 Alex Voormolen: Concerto for 2 Oboes (2nd and 3rd Movements)
4 Hans Henkemans: Passacaglia and Gigue (Part 2)
Rudolf Mengelberg: Hymn to Amsterdam

John Ross =====

At 7/21/2008 01:02 PM, Joe Salerno wrote:
I believe I have some on tape - Mackenzie lists it as a 1951 series, and
cites 13 as the highest issue number in the series, if I read correctly

There was also Orchestras of the Nation and Orchestras of the West.

John, do you have a list of the selections/performers on your transcriptions?

joe salerno

John Ross wrote:
Does anybody have information about a series of 16-inch transcription discs called "Orchestras of the World; Produced by the Economic Cooperation Administration"? Probably from around 1950.
They're fully produced radio programs of performances by European orchestras (BBC Symphony, Vienna Philharmonic, RIAS, Concertgebouw, Suisse Romande, Radio Eireann Symphony, etc etc.) with introductions and "intermission" interviews related to postwar economic development.
Are these things taken from commercial recordings or from domestic live concert or studio broadcasts? Are they documented anywhere?
John Ross

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