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Re: [ARSCLIST] Earthquake proofing 78s

I'm not an expert in this field but I suppose that the a way to
preserve 78s may not be the same in case of quake with vertical or
lateral movements. In this sense a soft base on a strong surface may
be a idea to limit vertical impulses which may determinate a fracture
in the record. For lateral movements I suppose it will be interesting
to put every few records something soft, e.g. foils of a chemically
reliable foam, and not leave partially empty shelves .
It may be interesting doing some empiric tests on it!
Just few ideas...
good the idea of elastic string around the shelves :)

2008/4/21 Tom Fine <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi Cary:
>  One thing to consider. Based on your description, it would take a pretty
> devasting earthquake to wipe out your 78's. It seems like it would wipe out
> just about everything else you own and care about. Will the 78's even matter
> at that point? Short of a spring-suspension bunker, I'm not sure there's
> much a mere mortal can do about something bulky, heavy and fragile like
> thousands of 78's if they live in an earthquake zone. But keep reading,
> because there are probably resources out there where you can get a lot more
> knowledge than most or all of us on this list have.
>  One practical suggestion would be keep everything low to the ground, in
> other words spread your collection wide rather than high, with a low center
> of gravity, but that won't help either if the whole building comes down. Out
> in California, try befriending some local disaster-preparedness folks. They
> might have some unique insights and printed material to learn from. You
> could also check your local library or even obscure or non-obscure state
> internet sites and see what sort of building guidelines and regulations are
> out there. I would imagine what would work for something sensitive like a
> power plant or natural gas terminal would work for a record collection, I'm
> not being flip here. A state like CA with a huge bureaucracy must have all
> sorts of published reports and data from which you can gain ideas.
>  Good luck in your research. I just got a vision of a "collection annex"
> made out of an old shipping container, on springs on concrete pilings and
> half-buried in sand. I'm no physicist so I have no idea if I just described
> a resonating chamber or a good idea!
>  -- Tom Fine
>  ----- Original Message ----- From: "Cary Ginell" <soundthink@xxxxxxx>
>  To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>  Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 6:46 PM
>  Subject: [ARSCLIST] Earthquake proofing 78s
> > I've been on this list quite a few years now, but this subject has never
> come up. What are the best ways to earthquake-proof your record collection?
> - especially 78s. I implore everyone that I am dead serious, so?PLEASE no
> flippant remarks for this thread. I'm looking for some meaningful solutions.
> Right now, my record shelves are all bolted to each other and to studs in
> the walls of my house - 95% of my 78 collection is sitting on a concrete
> slab (my garage floor). The records are all 1" to 1 1/2" from the edge of
> the shelves, but I'm thinking about stringing piano wire or some other
> system across each length of shelving to keep records from moving outward in
> case of extreme shaking. Of course, if the quake they are forecasting for us
> here in So. Cal. is as strong as they say it will be, all of this might be
> moot, since the entire house might be flattened, but in case we have a 6-7
> strength quake (which is more likely), I'd like to prevent damage as best as
> I can. In the 19!
> > 94 quake, the shelves held firm but all my CDs, which were not anchored
> done, toppled onto the floor, with only damage caused to a few jewel boxes.
> Collectable bric-a-brac (commemorative glassware, old radios, and other 3D
> memorabilia) is secured to shelf tops with Quake Hold putty, which seems to
> hold pretty well. It's the open shelves I'm most concerned with. Stringing
> piano wire will make things a little cumbersome relating to the retrieving
> of records, so I'm thinking of some kind of latch system where I can
> "unlock" each shelf and mount the wire on a clip or a post until I'm through
> with the records in that section. Those of you who work in record archives
> might have some helpful comments about this, but I think private collectors
> would appreciate inexpensive solutions in addition to the archival measures
> taken by formal archiving organizations.
> >
> > Cary Ginell
> > Origin Jazz Library
> > www.originjazz.com
> >
> >

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