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[ARSCLIST] Off-List [ARSCLIST] Fwd: Sticky AGFA PEM 469

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Hello Charles,

your offer to provide copies (or are they e-mail attachment files?) of 3 
papers is very kind, and I would like to obtain them. Due reference will 
obviously be given if I were to refer to them in publications, and I would 
ask permission beforehand. I will comment on them to the best of my abilities 
(and as time permits).

If by letter, my contact details are as follows:

George Brock-Nannestad
Patent Tactics
Resedavej 40
DK-2820 Gentofte

Otherwise, the mailbox at the above e-mail address is sufficiently large to 
accept attachments relating to written material with illustrations (if any).

Kind regards,



> Hi Marie:  Thanks for your comment. ...............................
> I am glad to share information with you and others on the tape  
> problems.  I presently have 3 papers and will send them on request.   
> These initial papers are not the complete tape story as one cannot get  
> everything done at once.  Feedback from others helps refine future  
> work even more. 

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