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[ARSCLIST] Another blankety blank LP with the same thing on both sides

Okay..granted, all Offenbach sounds the same, but wouldn't you think somebody would have noticed this one? Especially since it's a Capitol FDS title, supposedly listened to by all sorts of experts, none of whom caught either the doubled sides or the fact that this thing sounds as if it was recorded from the far end of a New York subway tunnel.

SIDE 1: mx P1-8277-D3 "BLUEBEARD"
SIDE 2: mx P2-8277-D1 "HELEN OF TROY"

Both sides play (I think) "Helen of Troy.

Second time I've found a Capitol like this..the first was a Beethoven Concerto (P-18000 series) with the second and third movements on both sides. Not stamped from the same mother, either..different cuttings, ending at different distances from the label.



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