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Re: [ARSCLIST] Bolshoi Russlan

Lemeshev performed the role of Lensky for the last time on his 70th birthday, June 27, 1972. "oblivious of three heart attacks and a missing lung, " as Olga Fyodorova recalls in her short memoirs for The Voice of Russia. According to the biographical sketch by Joern Anthonisen on Grandi Tenori. K&R is highly unreliable.

Steve Abrams

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Richter" <mrichter@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 5:34 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Bolshoi Russlan

David Lennick wrote:
Anyone know if the Bolshoi "Russlan" conducted by Kondrashin was recorded in 1952 or 1956, as has been suggested by one source? The sound is just too good for 1952.


{4LPS}; Westminster OPW 11003-11006 {4LPS} *Parlophone-Odeon PMA.1033-1036 {4LPS}
Compact Disc; - Voce della Luna VL 2006-3 {3CDS} (1996)ª; Mike Richter Audio Encyclopedia AE 206 (Russian Opera) {1xCD-ROM} (2000)ª; Great Hall CD 006/8 {3CDS}; Live Opera Heaven C 762-56 {3CDS} (2003)ª; Cantus Classics 500759 {2CDS} (2006)ª
Comments:- The year of this recording is given as 1956 in Live Opera Heaven's «February 2003 Update».

Ommer (and Steiger) give 1952. I tend to believe that date since by 1956 Lemeshev appears to have sung only Lensky (at the 500th performance in the Bolshoi). K&R cites no later performance, not surprising for a lyric tenor at 50 who had sung so much. There was a broadcast Fra Diavolo in 1955, but I doubt that he was still up to Bayan that late.


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