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Re: [ARSCLIST] Collection for sale

We can all cite stuff we have that he doesn't.I doubt he has "How Many Times" by The Rogues on Lou-Sal,or The Underground Railroad,on Discovery Club (I was spinning this last night.),many recods by Lord Kitchener (Whom no collection should be without.)or a lot of vanity pressing country 45s,from the 50s,and 60s.


"Steven C. Barr(x)" <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Ross" 
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140206309501
> Anybody know anything about this guy or the collection?
1) Nope!

2) He can only own "Every Record Ever Made" IF he has a copy of a
Radiex demo 78 I own, made to announce the availabilty of ELECTRICAL
records on the label! Matrix numbers are NOT in any known GG sequences,
and it would seem to be early by a few months...beyond that I know SFA!!

3) This reminds me of somebody's (forget whom?!) recorded comedy routine...
"Every Record Ever Recorded! Lithuanian Language Records!"...and so on...
IIRC, back in the sixties or early seventies sometime...?

4) Lemme figger a bit here...?! 300,000 records would septuble my current
half-vast archive of a mere 50 kilodiscs (+/-)...but, that takes up two
rooms of my 7-room abode...so I'd need twelve more rooms (and a WHOLE
BUNCH of empty milk boxes...?!)...

Looks like I'll have to pass (and not merely because I'm short about
$2,999,998.43 of the opening bid...?!)

Steven C. Barr

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