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Re: [ARSCLIST] pinning of oxide to plastic leader - best practice

Saturday, February 16, 2008 4:34 AM, Tom Fine wrote:

> I've mentioned this before. There were know problems with 
> some batches of plastic leader.
> <snip>

Hi Tom - I do recall that you've mentioned the problem with the
oxide pinned to plastic leaders, as have others.  What no one 
has discussed is what to do from an archival perspective when
encountering this phenomenon.  My specific questions:

1.  Do you digitize the oxide pinned to the tape?
2.  Do you replace the plastic leader with paper leader when 
    there is pinning?
3.  Do you always replace plastic leader with paper leader, even
    if no pinned oxide?
4.  If you replace with paper leader, what do you do with the old
    plastic leader?

Eric Jacobs

The Audio Archive, Inc.
tel: 408.221.2128
fax: 408.549.9867

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