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Re: [ARSCLIST] Setting bias and EQ on ANY recorder

I just now was testing Q632 tape for another purpose. I believe Sammy Jones was trying to set up his machine for this tape type.

My Technics 1520 set up for it just fine. I used the MRL 15IPS alignment tape for playback, which indicated flat response out to 16K and down -1.5VU at 20K. I also took the liberty of adjusting playback azimuth with an oscilloscope. Then used the by-the-book way to set up record for 632, but first used the 10K oscillator tone at 0VU to set record azimuth equal to playback. [Note that the hobbyist/home user needn't mess with this if you had your headblock properly aligned, but in a transfer business azimuth gets adjusted to each client tape.]

Anyway, using the internal settings, EQ switch at 3 and Bias switch at 1, tweakers were within a quarter-turn, about 3 clicks down for EQ and 3 clicks up for bias. I then decided to use an external oscillator and work at 0VU (+4dBm) to see how close the by-the-book MO gets you. Darn close, it turns out. EQ ended up being trimmed -2.5 clicks and bias ended up being trimmed +2, for both channels. This was to get playback to exactly match the MRL tape. Also interestingly, using the Technics internal 1K/10K oscillator but at 0VU instead of -10VU, same exact results. Very impressive, but not surprising given the quality of the Technics machine.

For what it's worth, Q632 tape also sets up just fine on a Tascam 44-OB and an Otari MX5050III. On an older machine (just about all tube-era machines, Ampex MR-70, Ampex AG-440 series, etc), Q632 tape can be set up just fine for 7.5IPS recording in most cases but 15IPS recording usually can't be set up because the top end is too hot to be tamed by these machines' record-EQ circuits.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Setting bias and EQ on ANY recorder

Technics 1520 instructions are a bit different from this, Richard. Your way is pro-grade industry standard for 10kHz with 3dB overbias (Jay McKnight and I prefer 1kHz peak-bias, the "old-school" method). The Technics 1520, which was marketed as a high-end consumer deck but embraced by some professional users, is specifically designed to tweak bias and record-EQ at -10VU after getting in the range from the machine's 3-way bias and eq switches. The instructions are simple and laid out in the manual. If Sammy has a 1520 manual, I'm not sure where he's running into trouble. You cannot set the playback EQ without taking off the bottom panel of a 1520 and knowing what you're doing, with a service manual at hand. So HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED for a newbie. That said, it's never a bad idea to run a MRL tape and see how close to flat your machine's playback is. Specifically, you should write down VU levels at 10K and 1K. They should be flat or very close to flat or your record tweaking won't render a flat playback.

Quick recap of 1520 record-setup:

1. look in manual and find tape type, set bias and EQ switches accordingly.
2. set meter switch to -10
3. set monitor to input
4. turn on internal oscillator, to 1kHz
5. adjust line-input level so VU meter reads 0 (actually -10 but scale has been 10x in step 2)
6. put machine into record with desired tape type (as Richard says, NOT an MRL or pre-recorded tape, obviously). Don't forget to turn both channels' record-engage switches on.
7. switch monitor to tape.
8. adjust bias tweakers until VU meter reads 0. If you're adjusting more than a quarter-turn either way, something's wrong. Switch the bias switch until you get closer to 0. A very few tape types are out of the machine's range, but not Q632.
9. switch oscillator to 10kHz.
10. adjust record EQ to get VU meter to read 0. Again, if you can't get it there in a quarter-turn one way or another, something's wrong. Switch the EQ switch until you get closer to zero.
11. take machine out of record, turn off oscillator, set VU meter switch back to normal.

I guess I should also say to make sure you are monitoring off the main (2T) play head and not the quarter-track head.

Sammy, just to be clear -- if you don't see controls for oscillator frequency, two bias tweak pots and two EQ tweak pots on the front panel, above the VU meters and record/playback level controls, you do not have a 1520, you have a 1500 or 1506. Those machines cannot easily be tweaked. You can optimize those machines for a single particular tape type, but you need to do inside the machine and you need to know what you're doing and use a service manual.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard L. Hess" <arclists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Setting bias and EQ on ANY recorder

At 11:51 PM 2008-01-31, Sammy Jones wrote:

> From: Sammy Jones [mailto:sjones69@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Subject: Setting bias and EQ on Technics 1520
> My problem is in setting the EQ and bias properly to record on this
> tape.  This is my first time recording tape on a machine with settable
> bias and EQ, and the Technics service manual does not specify how to do
> this.  I've found some information on the web for bias setup, but not
> EQ.

I have placed a simplified set of instructions in my blog http://richardhess.com/notes/2008/02/02/aligning-a-tape-recorder/

Please let me know if you have any questions -- I'd prefer you ask them in the comments section of the blog.



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

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