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[ARSCLIST] Arctic-relevant recordings

I've not heard of the KDKA items before but can steer you to some
alternatives that are about 20 years newer. They're LOCATION interviews,
Inuit singing, et. al. recorded on wires that I restored a few years ago
for the Peary MacMilan Museum of Arctic exploration.  Their site is

I can't find the specific reference to this, but I recall reading years
ago about at least one special broadcast, possibly done by CBS via
shortwave TO a Byrd Expedition (Arctic? Antarctic?).  A significant % of
the contents were I think, entertainment for the benefit of the
expedition's members.  I just checked the indices of Erik Barnouw's
Tower In Babble & Golden Web but it's not listed under CBS, Columbia,
Byrd, & other self-evident key words.  Perhaps Elizabeth McCleod
(lizmcl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ) has knowledge of this (if it occurred at all!)
Please bounce back any information  that you might obtain about this

Also, I recommend that you consult those who are expert in early
Canadian broadcast history.

Best Regards,
Art Shifrin 

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