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Re: [ARSCLIST] Piston Symphony #2

First off, thanks to Don for reinforcing my request. 

I had no idea it would stimulate such an exchange. If anyone is interested in the surviving Koussevitzky they need only check Kevin Mostyn's listings at 
koussevitzky.com It is pretty much the final word on that great conductor. Nothing much has turned up in the last ten years or so.

The only broadcasts of the Piston from the 40s that I know about are the G. Wallace Woodworth, cond. with the BSO and Rodzinski with the New York Phil, both of which I have...and, come to think of it, I might need to check for I recall there might be a Wallenstein performance I have from the 40s. 

The Koussevitzky recording of the Piston Prelude and Allegro for organ and strings did make it to LP, part of a set devoted to the work of the organist, E. Power Biggs. As I recall it was issued on Columbia under license from RCA. 

I wonder if Roger might not be confusing the RCA LP issue of the Hanson Third conducted by Koussevitzky. If either of the two surviving Koussevitzky performances of the Piston 3rd (there is also a rehearsal broadcast) have been issued on a pirate disc, I am not aware and would appreciate the discographic information.

However, while on the subject, I am always interested in locating other broadcasts of symphonic works by American composers. 



Roger and Allison Kulp <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: Don.

Like I said,I'm not sure if this is the #2 or not.It is definitely a Piston piece.If you have a database of all of Koussevitsky's broadcasts,you can probably find out what piece it is sooner than I can.I would imagine the BSO  has a complete recorded concert library,either on disc or tape.

I have a huge record collection.I am always losing track of stuff.I  have about thirty  records I was going to loan to Baylor University for their gospel music project.The 45s,and 78s I can locate,but there are six exceedingly obscure 60s vocal group Lps,on Song Bird and Savoy I own.These are Lps that Malaco and Universal have no master tapes,and in one case,no documentation on.That's great,but I now cannot find these records,and I am starting to get worried about it.

If you used to buy from Dave Canfield,when he ran Ars Antqua,you know he used to sell records like this Koussevitsky all the time.Now nobody does.


Don Tait  wrote: Roger,

  You have written before about this Koussevitzky/BSO recording of Piston's 
Symphony no. 2 that you claim to have. You have been asked for more details 
about it in the past, as Karl Miller recently did again, and you have never 

  Please do. 

  If you have this, it is an important document, as I think Karl has made 
clear. And as he has also made clear, Koussevitzky never conducted the symphony.

  Please give details. Please explain.

  RCA Victor's "Vault Treasures" LP series was introduced in November, 1956. 
The Koussevitzky "LVT" to which you are referring is LVT-1016 -- Harris's 
Symphony no. 3 and Hanson's Symphony no. 3. It was a conversion from Victor 

  Please explain about your reported recording of Koussevitzky/BSO in 
Piston's Symphony no. 2. Many of us look forward to your response.

  Don Tait


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