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Re: [ARSCLIST] 1/4" tape player

Hi, Scott,

You're just prejudiced 'cause you helped design/QA these wonderful machines <Big Grin>.

The challenge with this question--and why I didn't answer it the first time around--is that we know nothing about the application nor the support infrastructure in Darren's location.

The other answers to this question include, Studer A807 and Studer A810 as well as even some Otari models that I wouldn't suggest...in fact, I'm hard pressed to even suggest the Studer A807 over the A810 or the APR-5002, but many archives are doing good work with them, and their fine for exploring and tirage, with critical transfers done on better machines.

But, is Darren wanting to play 1/4-track tapes? If so, few, if any off-the-shelf APRs, A807s, or A810s are properly equipped to play these, as you know. Are 1.88 in/s tapes involved? Full track mono tapes?

So, perhaps the real answer to Darren's question is, please tell us more about your collection and your goals...and also remind him that getting a machine off eBay and then attempting to play tapes without a thorough going-over is a greater risk than I'd want to take.

Then there is the choice of A-D converter (and as you may have noticed, Scott, for the field recording application, I've suffered much angst when I found a particular piece of gear (MOTU 8Pre) was below the standard of the rest of my gear, but subtly so, that it wasn't noticeable at first)

And, of course, we could mention that there are many of us here who can undertake the transfers in our specialty built transfer facilities and provide digital files.

Merry Christmas to all!



At 10:37 AM 2007-12-24, Scott Phillips wrote:

Sony APR-5002 or 5003

-----Original Message-----

Can someone recommend a 1/4" tape player that comes on its own trolley
(I know what I want when I see it, but cannot recall the name). The
player sits at an angle to the operator.    Ideally XLR/balanced
output but all considered. Googling for keywords and checking eBay etc
doesn't give many clues to this clueless searcher!

Many thanks, Darren

Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm
Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

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