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Re: [ARSCLIST] Fun little blog

Well, it could be this > http://www.netlingo.com/lumenu2.cfm?letter=f

But, perhaps the person who wrote it could clarify whether it is or


Marie O'Connell
Analogue Tape Preservation Archivist
Sound Archives/Nga Taonga Korero
PO Box 1531
Radio New Zealand House
Level 1, 51 Chester Street West
Phone  +64 3 374 8443
Fax  + 64 3 374 8448

>>> Dontaitchicago@xxxxxxx 21/12/2007 12:47 p.m. >>>
  Going back a few days in messages, what does "FOAD" mean?

  Yours baffled and eager to learn new languages,

  Don Tait


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