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Re: [ARSCLIST] FW: [ARSCLIST] Internet audio: What do you expect of it ?

       Having higher power available is just much more practical with

> solid state amps, and just because they once sounded lousy doesn't mean
> they still do. By the way, I love tubes and some of the sonics they
> make.... I just don't confuse the way they color the sound with better
> fidelity.... Just different. More pleasing to some, less accurate to
> others. For personal use, which ever you like. For professional use:
> Use professional, well designed solid state amplifiers.
> ...Just my view, your mileage my vary.... :>)

I was a teenager in the mid 50's and early 60's, and the best my limited
budget could handle was a pair of Heathkit 10w PP amplifiers and an Eico
pre-amp.  You didn't have to turn this up too awfully loud before it didn't
sound so great.  You also ran the risk of burning out speakers.  The
teenager of today has the ability, on proportionately the same budget, to
generate ear destroying volume.  Of course they don't care what it sounds
like; they can't hear it.
> Scott

Frank B Strauss, DMD

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