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[ARSCLIST] Youngest collector?!--was: Folkways Reissues

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Garr Norick" <big_garr_2002@xxxxxxxxx>
<snip> I have a private collection of music... I have been collecting for 20
years, and I am 23 years old... <snip2>

Collector of what kind(s) of music...and in what format(s)...?! Near as I
can figger, you started collecting when you were three (more or less)
years old...and most of the "toddlers" I have known have/had neither
established tastes in music, or sufficient interest to establish and
maintain (as well as looking up in various publications...?!) a
collection of sound recordings?!

In fact, I used to PLAY my dad's 78's at age three...but didn't start
collecting (and then researching) 78's until another three or so decades
had passed (after which I "made up for lost time"...!).

Steven C. Barr

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