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Re: [ARSCLIST] TO DAVID LEWIS: Re: Tradition/Everest/Vanguard Classics/Bernie Solomon

Yes, and was big as a house. Drove an old car. The order form for Bescol was
a plain yellow xerox sheet, one page, line listing. The unit price of each
disc for Tower was like $2.88, which was like, ridiculous. 

For furthering this kind of discussion, we should move off the list,

David N. Lewis
Assistant Classical Editor, All Music Guide

Maybe music was not intended to satisfy the curious definiteness of man.
Maybe it is better to hope that music may always be transcendental language
in the most extravagant sense. ~ Charles Ives

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Garr Norick
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 4:57 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] TO DAVID LEWIS: Re: Tradition/Everest/Vanguard
Classics/Bernie Solomon

  Did this "Partner" of Solomon's have sort of a raspy voice with a new
york/east coast accent?

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