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Re: [ARSCLIST] Pristine Audio and the Milllennials . . .

Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
Maybe he means a real "cactus point"

Malcolm Rockwell <malcolm@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Plastic Victrola needles? Please, tell us more.
M Rockwell

Mike Richter wrote:
Don Cox wrote:

One play on the Victrola could do significant damage. Perhaps using a
thorn rather than a steel needle would help.
Only if you have a means for getting the resin out of the groove! There are plastic needles available that offer similar sound, less damage and no debris.

No, I meant what I said. As you would have noted had you checked the page I re-uploaded as requested:

"One of the options in playback on this equipment is the choice of needle - stylus in modern terms. The classic options were steel for loud, brilliant sound and cactus for quiet, soft sound. Today one can also buy plastic needles and steel needles jacketed in plastic to damp resonances. For the following tests, each type is demonstrated with the microphone about six inches in front of the open louvres.
Steel: mac5.mp3 Cactus: mac1.mp3 Plastic: mac3.mp3"

I no longer remember where I bought the various needles. I did not need to buy cactus needles at all; at the time, I had a yucca beside my front porch and just took what was needed when it was needed.


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