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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio History In a Nutshell?

Assuming  we perfect a CD,that doesn't become de-laminated,and peel over time,or after exposure to the elements,leaving only a 5" clear plastic disc,with a hole in it.Our broken 78s discussed in an earlier thread,might yeild nore information.

"Steven C. Barr(x)" <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: 

So, if some 32nd century archaeologist (if life lasts that long...?!)
discovers a buried CD...he/she/it will have NO way of knowing it
contains information...and, worse yet, even if that is known the
knowledge of how to retrieve the contents will probably have been
long since lost...?!

Whereas, if the same party discovers a 78, running a fingernail along
the groove will quickly reveal it contains sonic information...!

So, we just hope that the 32nd century finder, if extra-planetary,
comes from a culture where "sound" (series of vibrations transmitted
through the atmosphere) is used to convey information...which may NOT
be the case...

Steven C. Barr

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