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Re: [ARSCLIST] Early digital in Europe

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Yes, but they still had separate production arms and I am sure that they all
entered the world of
> digital differently. Decca built their own equipment in their famous research
lab. I'm still trying
> to find out exactly how Philips and DG entered the digital world.
> By the time CD's came along, the three labels were centralized enough that all
their early CD's were
> done in the Hanover plant. Titles with enough orders in the American markets
would also be
> manufactured in the North Carolina plant once that was built. I just borrowed
a stack of Solti CD's
> from the library and the very earliest were all done in Germany but anything
with a copyright date
> after about 1988 was made in USA (North Carolina). And of course some Polygram
titles were licensed
> to the BMG/RCA classical music club and manufactured for those customers in
Wasn't Sony the "ur-source" of Compact Disc technology? IIRC, Philips gave
the world cassette tape, but NOT CD...?

Steven C. Barr

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