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Re: [ARSCLIST] Pristine Audio (?!)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I'm not overly optimistic for a few reasons:
> 5. the generation coming up, the so-called "millenials" (sp?) are work-ethic
challenged. See the
> numerous media stories on this trend. They also seem to think they have little
to learn and don't
> respect seniority. These are generalizations and I'm sure there are some
wonderful young folks eager
> to learn and respectful of their elders, but I sure see and encounter a lot of
bad-attitude slackers
> who have completely unrealistic ideas of work and wage-earning.
> Sorry to rain on any parades, but reality hurts sometimes.
To make things worse...99.99% of these "millennials" are blissfully
unaware that such things as 78rpm phonorecords made of a shellac
compound were EVER manufactured...and would know SFA about how to
play such a thing if they DID encounter one...! Their definition of
"music" MIGHT start as far back as the Beatles (though that is highly
unlikely...?!), but would include little, if anything, that was
recorded by an analog process (well, they MAY have seen some of the
modern vinyl discs...?!)...

Steven C. Barr
(Note that Mr. Rose can't read any of the comments directed to his
theoretically-perfect processing...?!)

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