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[ARSCLIST] Was Russian discs; Now Chinese

(I wrote to the list late last night, but have seen no trace of it or any
response, so I am trying again)

The thread on Russian (Melodiya and other) labels has been most instructive
and fascinating to me. I particularly appreciated Steve Smolian's assurance
that the aroma that I associate with the packaging of Melodiya vinyl emanates
(I have many that I can still smell on my shelves) from fish glue, since it
answered a question knocking around in my brain for more than 3 decades.

But, to move slightly laterally, the discussion by Roger Kulp of various
Soviet and Russian issues of Beatle albums reminded me of my favorite LP
(though not so much based on the content, since it is a pressing of one of the
most prolifically available albusm of all time) in a project that encompassed
the cataloging of 90,000 LP held by NYPL's Rodgers & Hammerstein Archives. It
was the Chinese pressing of "Pi tou he chang tuan ji mo ju le bu yue dui"
which appeared in English on the jacket (actually a folder of flimsy paper,
open on three sides) as "Sgt Peppeb's Loney Hearps Club Band"

You can see the whole bibliographic record in Worldcat (it is not yet loaded
into the NYPL catalog) if you search the keyword Peppeb (I can guarantee that
this is the only thing that comes up). It looks like the label is "Li ming
chang pian chang" or simply Liming Record and was produced in 1967.

Peter Hirsch

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