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Re: [ARSCLIST] Murcury Living Presence LP EQ

Date:    Sun, 18 Nov 2007 22:48:11 -0500
From:    Sammy Jones <sjones69@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Murcury Living Presence LP EQ

Thanks to all who have helped with my questions on Scotch audio tape.

Does anybody have EQ data for pre-stereo Mercury Living Presence LPs? The
LP in question is MG40007, Fred Fennell conducting the Eastman Wind
Ensemble, Marches by Sousa and Others.

Thanks for your help!

Sammy Jones

Mike Stosich gives it as 400 Hz bass turnover and a roll off of -12 at 10 kHz.

Doug Pomeroy
Audio Restoration & Mastering Services

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