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Re: [ARSCLIST] Free stuff and Mac CD-ripping software

Full featured and free


-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Andy Kolovos
Sent: Thu 08 Nov 2007 12:12
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ARSCLIST] Free stuff and Mac CD-ripping software


I have two matters I would like to address:

1. Our move to the new digs has turned up many interesting things.  One
curiosity that has emerged is five spare copies of the bound, printed
edition of the CLIR report _Folk Heritage Collections in Crisis_.  I am
happy to make these available to people for the simple cost of an SASE. 
  If you are interested, please contact me off list.  The first five
people I hear from will get priority.  Once an SASE is received, your
copy shall be off to you.

2. In the Windows world, people on the list seem to favor EAC as a
CD-ripping program--I know I like it.  For those of you in the
Mac-universe, is there a program that does the ripping job with
comparable quality, features and cost?

As always, thanks!


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