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Re: [ARSCLIST] Recordings of lynchings?

Steven C. Barr writes:

> What you are saying (cut to the chase here)...is that your sale of
> ANYTHING...to the highest bidder...is somehow entirely justifiable!

Who are you to say it's not?

> What you are trying to do is to justify your personal improvement
> in standing in the Homo Sapiens dominance hierarchy (or a subset
> thereof...!)...regardless of the immediate and/or eventual result
> of that sale...!
> Don't think so...?!

What a load of pop-psycho BS.  If a person owns something
legally (ie, it's not stolen from someone else) he has a
right - a RIGHT - to that property and he can dispose of it
as he sees fit.  Do you propose empowering a good taste
Gestapo to swoop in and confiscate any item put up for sale
that doesn't meet their criteria of "appropriate?"
Or, should I say, "...appropriate?!"

David Breneman         david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx

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