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Re: [ARSCLIST] George Szell on Music Appreciation Records

There was a time,about a dozen years or so ago,when the main Goodwill,was getting in so many records,that they threw out large quantities in the dumpster once or twice a week.They had records in the main store,records in the front and the back of the clearance/fix-it store,and records in the outside yard.There were so many records coming in,that they had to throw them out to make room,for the fresh ones that came in.

All the thrift stores were getting in huge quantities of records during this time,which was why during the period of 1990-2004,I was able to put together a classical collection,vinyl,and shellac,that would otherwise take a lifetime.I have a near-complete run of Shaded Dog LSCs,SR Mercs,several dozen high three/low four figure violin rarities etc.So I couldn't make it over to the Goodwill as frequently as I should have.On a number of occasions,I was there when 5'  long bookcase shelves,full of records I hadn't sorted through,were being hauled off to the dumpster.

Among the stuff I rescued from going to the dumpster,was that short-lived Thomas Beecham memorial box set,only issued in the US,and a Victor/Beethoven Society 78 set,of the Diabelli Variations,with a signed publicity photo taped to the inside front cover.They stopped doing this,after a while, because there were so many people going through the dumpster and hauling them off.

I think most of the people who had old collections of jazz,or classical records, were of the generation of the baby boomer's parents,who I probably got most of my classical from.Most of whom are now dead.Nowawdays,when grampa dies,it's no longer a case of having Goodwill,or Salvation Army haul it away.Now everybody immediately thinks "eBay".


"Steven C. Barr(x)" <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" 
> Did you know that where I live (Albuquerque) there are only two thrift stores
left that still have vinyl ?Oh,I got my copy at a Salvation Army,about six years
Earlier this year, I found a discographically-interesting 78rpm record
at our local Salvation Army store...and also saw another one numbered in
the same series (but in about G condition...!). I went back the next day
to buy that one...and the whole pile of analog phonorecords was no longer
there! When I asked, I was told "Oh, we only keep those old records for
a few days, and after that we throw what doesn't sell in the garbage!"

I can recall a number of times that I found worthwhile 78's at a
thrift store...but, sadly those were a couple of decades past! Once
walked into the local Goodwill, and found two large cardboard cartons
of 78's, all in green sleeves and with relevant data carefully written
on attached labels. I bought about 75% of that bunch (I already had
the rest...!). It was obviously the record collection of some aging
jazz fan, probably deceased...?!

Steven C. Barr

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