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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Ridderbusch" <mridder@xxxxxxx>
> Is it probable for a record recorded inside-out to be damaged by playing it
> We're working with an unpublished disk recording on an "audiodisk recording
Not probable...in fact, only possible in a limited way!

In most modern cases, the stylus/tonearm MUST follow the grooves as they
exist on a given phonorecord...placing the stylus on an "inside-out" disc
would result in the stylus moving away from the centre as the disc played.

So, only if you are using a player where the arm is geared to the turntable
rotation (i.e. an Edison Diamond Disc machine) and thus physically "insisted"
on moving in the opposite direction to that inherent in the disc's grooving
could physical damage result!

The biggest problem is that moving the tonearm to the start point on an
inside-out disc may trigger the player's "change" action...!

Steven C. Barr

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