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Re: [ARSCLIST] Moog Foundation--Archivist Search

Dear Michelle
Just for your archives and information, a very long time ago in the early  
1970s, I made a documentary special, 90 minutes long, on the story of Earl  
Scruggs, and in it, he played one of his tunes on an early Moog  synthesizer.  It 
is in my film which can be purchased on my website, 
_www.thehoffmancollection.com_ (http://www.thehoffmancollection.com) .   I don't know what level of Moog 
synthesizer the composer used, but it he shown  in the film.
Best regards,
David Hoffman
_www.Sagas.com_ (http://www.Sagas.com)  -- my new  company

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