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Re: [ARSCLIST] Hatto, and a question

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karl Miller" <karl.miller@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> --- David Lennick <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Anyone remember the Aries label, around 1980? 
> I remember it well and have many of the records and am
> quoted on the liner notes of one of them. For many of
> us, they were a wonderful introduction to works we
> might have been able to hear otherwise. Interestingly,
> much of the repertoire they released has subsequently
> received legit recordings. 
> And on the subject of "invented" performers...does
> anyone out there know who the performers were on La
> Brea (No.8012 "Manufactured by the Apex Record
> Corporation 1023 La Brea avenue, Hollywood,
> California) 
Well, at the very least it is probably safe to assume that
this was NOT a product of the Compo Company...?!


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