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[ARSCLIST] TAPE regional training course on preservation and digitisation of audio and video collections, Vienna, Austria, 12-16 November 2007

With apologies for cross-posting. 



TAPE regional training course on preservation and digitisation of audio
and video collections, Vienna, Austria, 12-16 November 2007


TAPE will organize a 5 days' regional training course on preservation
and digitisation of audio and video collections. The programme has been
developed on the basis of experiences made in former TAPE training
courses, and is specifically adapted for small audiovisual and mixed
media research collections. 


The course will be jointly organised by the Phonogrammarchiv of the
Austrian Academy of Sciences, partner in project TAPE, and by the
Austrian Mediathek. 


Target group

The course will be aimed at those planning, or already actively involved
in preservation /digitisation projects of their audio and video
collections. The courses will survey technical and ethical principles of
audio and video preservation as well as practical work. 


Topics and features

Tutorials will include audio and video carrier technology, their
components and vulnerability, handling and storage; maintenance of
equipment, format obsolescence, strategy and ethical principles of
long-term preservation; analogue-to digital-transfer and digital
repositories, focussing on small scale - low cost solutions. Emphasis
will also be put on collection assessment and planning of projects for


Registration fee

The registration fee is 600 Euros. Participants from institutions that
are TAPE partners or from Academies of Sciences having cooperation
agreements with the Austrian Academy of Sciences will pay 500 Euros. For
the latter, a limited number of grants to cover accommodation and
subsistence in Vienna is available upon special application. The fee
includes coffees, teas, lunches, and a course pack with reading


Participants should make their own travel and accommodation
arrangements. The local organisers, however, will assist to find
modestly priced hotel accommodation, if requested. 


Registration forms must be received by 28 September.


For more information on TAPE see www.tape-online.net




Registration Form

Regional training course on preservation and digitisation of audio and
video collections

Vienna, Austria, 12-16 November 2007


Yes, I would like to register for this workshop















Postal code  




Tel.                                         Fax


If the number of applications exceeds the number of available places, a
selection will have to be made. Preference will be given to those
applicants who are practically involved in the preservation/digitisation
of audio and video documents. Therefore please tell us something about
your present position and tasks, and state your motivation for wanting
to attend the workshop: why do you feel you would benefit from this

If necessary, use a separate sheet.


Please rate your proficiency in English: from 1 (poor) to 3 (acceptable)
to 5 (very good)

speaking ...                  listening ...                  reading ...



Mail or fax this form by 28 September 2007 to:


Austrian Academy of Sciences

Mrs. Li Huang

Liebiggasse 5

A-1010 Vienna


Fax:+431 4277 9296

E-mail: pha@xxxxxxxxxx


By 8 October  you will be informed whether your application has been


The registration fee is 600 Euros. Participants from institutions that
are TAPE partners or from Academies of Sciences having cooperation
agreements with the Austrian Academy of Sciences will pay 500 Euros. For
the latter, a limited number of grants to cover accommodation and
subsistence in Vienna is available upon special application. The fee
includes coffees, teas, lunches, and a course pack with reading


An invoice will be sent to those whose application has been accepted.



European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) 
c/o Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences 
P.O. Box 19121, NL-1000 GC  Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
Visiting address: Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, NL-1011 JV
T ++31 - 20 - 551 08 39   
F ++31 - 20 - 620 49 41 

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