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on 9/5/07 5:00 AM, Eric Jacobs at EricJ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Konrad,
> Thank you for this very informative response.  A few more questions:
> 1.  Do you keep or discard the single RF64 file after you've
>     split it and generated the multiple BWF files?

Once we have verified that the derivatives (we call them preservation files)
are correct, we discard the RF64 file. It is not an issue of storage space
since we have unlimited space through IU's Massive Data Storage system. It's
mostly an issue of data management. A long concert may generate 25 or more
files including access copies, audio, video, multitrack, DVD image, log
files etc, so to make things manageable we discard duplicates. We anticipate
generating > 8 TB of data this coming school year so file management is an
important issue for us. Bear in mind that we rarely have to split files
after the fact, they are split during the recording.

> 2.  If you generate access formats (like MP3), do you generate a
>     single MP3 from the RF64, or multiple MP3s from the split
>     BWFs?

We make 16/44.1 derivative access files from the preservation files - we get
numerous CD requests for our concert recordings. These access files are
uploaded to IU's Variations2 system which generates mp3 listening copies,
available online through the Music Library catalog. Occasionally we end up
with concerts split between 2 or more files unequally, for example a 50
minute file and a 10 minute file. However we do not join these for the
access files (though when burning a CD we'll usually combine them). It's not
a problem for the Variations2 player which treats any number of files as a
single concert. 

We have a well developed automated system of backing up our workstations,
naming conventions, archiving files, and delivering listening copies to the
library. It's pretty complex but if anyone has interest I can outline it for
the list.

Eric, I understand you're coming to Bloomington next month, I'd be glad to
show you what we're doing.

Konrad Strauss
Director of Recording Arts, Professor of Music
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music
Blog ­ http://munson.music.indiana.edu/audioblog/
Podcast ­ http://www.music.indiana.edu/iumusiclive/authorize/podcasts.shtml

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