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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio cassette cases - poly-this, poly-that

Melanie Brown wrote:
Hello all -

I am getting ready to have several hundred audio cassettes remastered onto 10" reels.

And nobody has yet asked "why"..so I'll ask. Why add more tape hiss, uncertainty re stability of open reel tape (most of us don't trust any of it anymore) and other degradation?


While assembling the tapes to send off, I've run across many broken or missing cases for the old cassettes.

For replacements, I've found a multitude of poly-plastics... most folks seem to agree that most of the "polys" are fine for archival storage - with the exception of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). I can order from an archival supplier and pay $0.30 per case for polypropylene.... or cases from Norelco for $0.16 per case, for some unspecified hard plastic.

What are you all doing with your cassette cases?


Melanie J. Brown, Assistant Archivist
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse
College Park, MD 20740
(301)209-3179 mbrown@xxxxxxx

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