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What I'm really wondering is if folks consider the BWF RF64 "archival",
as it isn't backward compatible with 32-bit BWF files.

NOTE: BWF with RF64 is also known as "RF64" for short, or MBWF 
(multi-channel BWF).  For more info, see: 


Do archives:

(a)  use RF64 for preservation masters and BWF for high-res access?
(b)  use RF64 as an intermediate format for capturing audio and then
     generating multiple BWF files as preservation masters?
(c)  not use RF64 at all and manually split long audio recordings
     into multiple BWF?

I would be inclined to go with (b) as this provides efficient
handling of long audio recordings, while providing the broadest 
compatibility.  If I saw greater support now for RF64, I would be
inclined to go with (a).

MBWF/RF64 support that I'm aware of:

Steinberg: Nuendo, Cubase, Wavelab
Cube-Tec: Quadriga, Audiocube (a Wavelab derivative)

Any others applications which support RF64?

Among archives that work with long audio files and use RF64 (or 
WAVE 64 for that matter), do you keep the RF64 files, or discard 

Eric Jacobs

The Audio Archive, Inc.
tel: 408.221.2128
fax: 408.549.9867

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Parker Dinkins
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 4:45 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] BWF RF64

on 9/4/07 4:07 PM US/Central, Eric Jacobs at EricJ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Is anyone using BWF RF64 (RIFF 64 chunk) for large archival BWF files
> (larger than 4GB)?

Yes, we've even used with 24/96 stereo for long radio programs.

Parker Dinkins
MasterDigital Corporation
Audio Restoration + CD Mastering

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