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Re: [ARSCLIST] Record Sale reminder

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Susan Stinson" <Ststinso@xxxxxxx>
> Here's the July reminder about the excess records sale at the Belfer
> Audio Archive at Syracuse University - coming up on August 3 (10AM-7PM)
> and August 4 (9AM-5PM).  Note the changed times for Friday. 
> We will have 78s, LPs, 45s, and possibly assorted other materials as we
> continue to identify duplicated things around here.  Prices start at the
> usual $1 per disc and drop as quantities purchased increase.   
> Saturday ALL DAY whatever is left will be priced at $5.00 per
> grocery-bag-full.
> Looking forward to seeing some of you here.  The coffee pot will be
> on!
Well...had they not cancelled the Toronto-to-Rochester ferry service, I
might have been attending! However, since I don't posess an auto-mobile,
and seriously doubt my ability to swim Lake Ontario (or, for that matter,
more than six feet in ANY direction except straight down...!) I shall be
forced to beg off attending this year's event...!

I'll have to tell Lennick to see if there are any discs in which I might
be interested...probably at the $5/bag event, which is more suited to my
current financial setting...?!

Steven C. Barr

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