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[ARSCLIST] The function of ARSCLIST--was: Urgent Message From SaveNetRadio

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alex Hartov" <alexander.hartov@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> May I suggest you take this discussion elsewhere?
> It has NOTHING to do with sound restoration or archiving or anything  
> remotely related.
> The "signal to noise" ratio on this list is deteriorating badly.  If  
> everyone came with their pet peeve here, there would be few readers  
> left after a while.
While the principals involved in this e-discussion appear to need a bit
of education in terms of courtesy and politeness (and/or a "smack upside
they heads...!)...the basic subject of the thread involves several questions
which will...if they aren't already...be VERY important to both ARSCLIST
listeners and other peripherally-involved parties!

In fact...it refers to (1) Will sound recordings still be available for
archival, and on what terms...and, (2) Is there any reason to continue
recording sound...let alone archiving same...?!

ARSC...and, thus, ARSCLIST...consist of a fairly large number of listeners,
whose interests range from the well-defined and specific, to those who are
more interested in the future of sound recording in general, as well as the
inherent viability of same!

Agreed, there has been some serious loss of politeness and/or respect during
the evolution of this thread...BUT...what is being discussed here are issues
of WHAT...if ANYTHING...will/should be/could be preserved in recorded form...
as well as who owes whom how much for any applicable royalty payments for
these recordings...!

The problem with ARSCLIST and other multi-interest e-lists (I speak as a
habitue of 78-L!) is that all too often the participants tend to focus
strictly on their OWN specific interests/issues (i.e. "Can anyone provide
a reliable discography of Kazakhstani recordings made between 1918 and
1931?!") as opposed to the more general issues which intrude...!

Sound recording is undergoing very substantial changes...as is the
distribution of the results of same! We have left the times when a given
artist visited a (78rpm) recording studio...usually owned by the issuing
label...to cut X-many recordings of specific and pre-selected tunes...for
a time where/when anyone with a multi-track recorder (or digital mixer)
can record issuable-quality of whatever they see fit...!

Steven C. Barr

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