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Re: [ARSCLIST] Playing a "flexi disc"

It is a Soundscriber Disc and will play back with a microgroove stylus.
I have worked with many of them over the years.

R. Hodge

Robert Hodge,
Senior Engineer
Belfer Audio Archive
Syracuse University
222 Waverly Ave .
Syracuse N.Y. 13244-2010

315-443- 7971

>>> dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx 7/17/2007 4:19 PM >>>
Richard Warren wrote:
> Dear Barbara Need,
> If the disc is translucent green vinyl, it may be a Soundscriber
> These were 33.3 rpm microgroove, so you should try to play it as if
> were an LP. Pray that it hasn't warped; if it has, you may need to
> it to someone with excellent equipment and much experience.
> Sincerely, Richard
> At 02:59 PM 7/17/2007, you wrote:
>> I have been asked to get a digital transfer from what I believe to
>> a "Flexi disc" (thin green plastic /vinyl disc with a square hole).

>> The only complication is that, as far as I can tell, these were LPs

>> and, therefore, no earlier than 1948. The date on the disc, however,

>> is '43. We have an osmium stylus (which we use for 78s)  and a
>> stylus (which we use for LPs). What stylus should I use for
>> (And if you have recommendations for adding to my stylus supply, I 
>> would welcome that as well, though I may not be able to do anything

>> about it just yet.)
>> Barbara
>> Barbara Need
>> Manager
I've seen very thin flexible orange and yellow discs which were used
for home 
disc recorders in the 40s..don't know why this one would have a square
unless the original hole was too tight and someone has enlarged it. If
it's one 
of these home cuts, it would probably play at 78. Does it look like a
product with a printed "label" or might it be a home cut?


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