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[ARSCLIST] New member of list--question about tape digitization

I am working on digitizing some reel-to-reel tapes that were sitting on the shelf in the English office (for years!) here at SUNY Brockport. The Writers Forum here at Brockport has had readings since 1966. So these tapes are recordings of the readings from about 1966-76, when they began videotaping the readings.
So far I have come across some great tapes--like Allen Ginsberg and Michael McClure. My question has to do with a post-digitization process. One of the professors here would like to use these MP3s for teaching. He has asked me to separate the poems into tracks and burn a cd. I am digitzing to Audacity, and then converting the files to MP3s. I have been trying with Garage Band to do this task, but keep running into a dead end. Does anyone have a moment to suggest a way to do this? It would be a valuable teaching tool if it can be accomplished. I use a Mac at home, but I use a PC here on campus.)
Thank you very much,
Lisa Powell

Lisa Powell

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