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Re: [ARSCLIST] OK - Does Anyone Know More About This?

On 19/06/07, Bob Olhsson wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
>> From Jeffrey Kane: "...The major music empires have eaten their
> own for quite some time now. They're now reaping what they've sown in
> the form of formulaic lather-rinse-repeat one hit wonders that last
> perhaps two albums and then go 'poof'..."
> The problem is that "the major music empires" weren't who brought us
> all of that great music in the first place. There have always been
> "bought and paid for" one hit wonders but there used to also be a
> parallel track of the good stuff. They earned their audience and fame
> performing in local and regional venues until the size of their
> following caught the attention of the managers and record labels who
> invested in taking them national and international.
> I don't think it's right to gripe about the musical major leagues when
> we've failed to support the minor leagues that produced most of
> America's great music.
A large proportion of the best music in the same tradition is now coming
from small African companies. 

(The basis of most American music is the cross-fertilisation of African
and European styles. )

Don Cox

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