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Re: [ARSCLIST] Media mail

Mike Richter wrote:
Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
I have had packages opened,and records stolen out of packages that have come into the country from overseas.These parceIs have been resealed with green fluorescent tape ,that says "INSPECTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY",and all or most of the records inside are gone.I have had high dollar Furtwangler,Martzy,Gene Vincent,and obscure 60s rock rarities stolen this way.It was real disturbing the first time it happened,and you have no idea who stole the stuff,or where.Yep it happens a lot more than it used to.Only terrorists buy rare vinyl I suppose .

I have only had such problems between the U.S. and South America. I'm told that all such parcels are sent through Panama. The 'inspection' there is notorious.


Canada Customs once opened a package of 78s sent to me to transfer and decided that they were worth ten times the declared value. I had no choice but to pay the duty, since I wasn't about to send them back and forth and risk their being smashed. Another time, a box of CDs from the French label Dante was opened, the discs removed and a half-full bottle of Vitamin C Cream put in its place. And of course I had customs charges to pay (these idiots would never place nominal values on their promo discs, and any that I refused I just never saw again). Think I could get a refund out of Revenue Canada? Ha!


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