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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger and Allison Kulp" <thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx>
> Yeah,but people like George Martin,and Tom's parents,will still be fondly
remembered 100 years from now,unlike your kid down the block.
No...that is based on a mis-perception common among those of us who have
an interest in sound recordings and/or the history thereof!

As time continues to elapse (assuming Dubya allows such to eventuate,
which is by no means a "given"...) the individuals responsible for
sound recordings which our own generation considers "definitive"
(anything from "Zulu's Ball" to "Sgt. Pepper's...") will fade into
the vague milieu of "obsolete data," as will, in fact, the sound
recordings themselves!

The vast majority of "78 collectors" are thermselves of fairly
advanced age, and as such subject to the inevitability of mortality.
As well, the number of people who actually recall any of the recordings
in question continues to approach zero.

Fifty years from now...in 2057 (ten years before any US sound recording
enters the "public domain!") the classic recording, "Sgt. Pepper's..."
will be ninety years old. Any five-year-olds who dimly recall having
heard the recording played by their parents will be ninety-five years
of age...and thus most likely beyond this mortal coil!

"A hundred years from now" (aka 2107)...the market for sound recordings,
in whatever form they then exist, will be "current hot numbers" (defined
by a typical youthful demographic)...and "nostalgia-driven releases"
or, in other words, the pop hits of fifty (+/-) years ago...which, in
your estimate, would be the hits of 2057 (whatever they may be...?!).

Steven C. Barr

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