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Re: [ARSCLIST] Cedar

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jonathan Wise" <jonathan.wise@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> And lest we forget, another guy once said: "The medium is the
> message"... :)
Not quite applicable! McLuhan was (although he didn't put it in
those terms) comparing an information medium like radio or reading
(which occupy only a single sense...) with one like TV, sound films
or video (via the Internet or otherwise) occupy multiple senses (at
least two, so far...!).

It is possible to listen to the radio or a series of phonorecords,
while simultaneously performing a mentally-non-demanding task (most
housework, usw.) I have often read while eating, for example. Once
a medium effectively demands one's FULL attention (i.e. watching a
TV program...!) it is no longer possible to perform another task
simultaneously...unless one pays inadequate attention to one of 
the two!

There is a limit to human "multi-tasking" (which current automobile
commuters seem to be trying to exceed...?!) and we are well behind
Windows...even early versions...in that area!

Or, as the cliche goes, "Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time..."

Steven C. Barr

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