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Re: [ARSCLIST] Non-real time minidisc ripping

At 01:18 PM 2007-05-18, Jim Sam wrote:
Hi All,

Does anyone have experience with non-real time ripping of minidiscs? Standard MDs mostly; not so much HiMD. We're getting a ton of minidiscs in soon, and I've been looking into the subject.

On a more micro level, I know that at least one company makes a product to accomplish this, MD Studio: http://www.esdl.co.uk/body/mdte/mdte.htm. I'm not so much worried with the theory of ripping MDs as in practice. Has anyone seen and/or worked with one of these? If so, any thoughts you could share on how well it works? Importantly, does anyone know of another product designed to rip MDs that doesn't involve real-time playing? At this stage, I'm more worried about the efficiency of systems than budget.

Hello, Jim,

I have sent several people -- and received only one feedback (and it was positive) -- to the ESDL folks in the UK.

As far as I know, their system is the only one that will no data-based ripping of minidiscs. Depending on how many you have, however, building up a few digitization stations with inexpensive SPDIF inputs and MD players with SPDIF outputs could get the job done quickly. I would look at multiple workstations rather than a single multi-channel workstation due to the difficulty of synchronizing the clocks on the MD players.

Of course, making up a half dozen MD workstations would cost as much or more than the ESDL package. On the other hand, the ESDL package relies on an out-of-production (as I understand it) MD drive from Sony. ESDL refurbs and modifies the drive and sells it as part of the package (again as I currently understand what they are doing).

Even if you only set up one MD chain separate from your main digitization chain, the real-time ingest could be done as a background task in your main lab. That is how I do it, actually.

If you did two MDs per day as background, you could do 500 per year with no real increase in workload.

How many do you have and I hope you've stopped making new ones. Substitute compact-flash recorders for the MD recorders if the people are still generating MDs. I think everyone will be happy you did. I think you can pay for the CD recorders out of the labour savings <smile>!



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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