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Re: [ARSCLIST] Mass Digitization

I sent this to Rob P and not the list, thus the >

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Fine [mailto:tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: May 15, 2007 8:53 PM
To: r.poretti@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Mass Digitization

Definitely would be a good seminar or convention. Suggestion -- check out how digital photography was introduced to the newspaper business. Nikon, for instance, is very good at training "schools" for both pro and consumer users. My boss and I went to the advanced digital photography "school" session and learned a variety of ways to handle digital imagery better and faster. While Nikon likes to try and sell you things, we didn't feel the need to get any new software or equipment but learned all sorts of Photoshop tricks and were fortified with just some basic knowledge about how digital imagery works and thus how and why certain techniques produce certain results. I'm sure there were much more in-depth kinds of sessions for photojournalists and photo editors.

What we're talking about here is really very akin to this. We're moving audio and moving pictures from obsolete analog media to digital and we need to address new storage and quality issues, much like the entire print media business needed to accept and address digital imagery.

Bottom line point is, ARSC probably doesn't need to invent the wheel here, just splice in already established ideas and topics and customize to audio. Bits is bits and all this digital capture and storage stuff is similar.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob Poretti" <r.poretti@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Mass Digitization

> There would certainly be numerous technology possibilities here - > automation, meta-data, work-flow, storage systems, etc...
> Something for everyone!
> Rob Poretti
> Sascom - Toronto
> vox.905.825.5373 fax.905.469.1129 cel.905.580.2467
> www.sascom.com www.cube-tec.com

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