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[ARSCLIST] Irish EMail addresses

During the ARSC meeting in Milwaukee I promised Harry Bradshaw, Ed Ward and Barry Stapleton to send them scans of some rare early Irish record labels but now find I failed to note their email addresses. They seem not to be listed in the 2007 Arsc membership directory.

Dr Rainer E. Lotz
c/o Birgit-Lotz-Verlag
Jean Paul Str.6, 53173 Bonn, Germany
Tel: 0049-228-352808
Fax: 0049-228-365142
Web: http://www.lotz-verlag.de


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Bitte beachten: Unser Spamfilter entsorgt alle Mails, deren Bezugszeile nicht den Inhalt eindeutig beschreibt.

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