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Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference report - Photos coming soon

I use one of two services, either DropShots, http://www.dropshots.com/. or Snapfish, http://www.snapfish.com.


Angie Dickinson Mickle wrote:

I've been using Shutterfly (http://www.shutterfly.com)for photo sharing. I don't remember if there is a way to rearrange after uploading, though. Still, it is a nice service. I'm sure there are others like it out there.

Angie Dickinson Mickle
Avocado Productions
Arvada, CO

Steve Ramm wrote:

Well, I tried to capture as much as I could with my new digital camera and I think I did a pretty good job. I'm still playing with the best way to share. Yahoo doesn't let you bulk upload. AOL did a nice job of that and adding captions but not easy to rearrange. Can anyone recommend a good photo hosting/sharing service which has bulk upload and rearrangement features?
I should have the slide show ready soon.
Also, I don't think anyone posted the other news which is that this year ARSC is offering MOST of the papers presented (only a few which had "audio rights" issues) on CD-ROM - some with the POwerpoints. In past years you could buy one paper for $10. This year you can get the WHOLE conference for $35.00ppd. It will probably be multi-disc. Patrick Feaster will be the compiler and it should be great way to compensate for those who couldn't make it.
More later.
And, as Always, Cary's report was GREAT!
Steve Ramm

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-- Miriam Meislik Media Curator Archives of Industrial Society University of Pittsburgh 7500 Thomas Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (412)244-7075 voice (412)244-7077 fax miriam@xxxxxxxx


When your mouth drops open, click the shutter. --Harold Feinstein, November 11, 2001

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