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Re: [ARSCLIST] Slides and inconvenient media (was spin it again)

My friend Tom speaks wisdom. You can add to that a reminder that those of us who think good HDTV can look pretty cool were once satisfied with kinescope quality black and white, and with TV audio that's embarrassing to us today. It seems our acceptance thresholds do evolve...

TF: > each generation since the industrial revolution has a different set of visual stimuli

That also seems be true of their audio experiences....

What scares me (older than Tom) is that if blurry video and audio becomes main-stream, how will we preserve it with any kind of integrity?

Mark Durenberger

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

...the youngsters seem to derive much more stimulus and deep enjoyment from a visual experience on a blurry 2x2 screen than I or people my age (41) or older are likely to. These kids... have a whole different set of habits and processes for enjoying imagery. Point is, each generation since the industrial revolution has a different set of visual stimuli and each forms different habits and adjustment mechanisms to meld the moving images into their version of reality.
-- Tom Fine

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