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Re: [ARSCLIST] Hard disk drives and DAT

DigiPress, a French company, offered glass CD's that used a very stable
sputtered metal reflective layer about 15 years ago. Their price was higher
than that of CD-R's, sales were very low, and they went out of business.
Although these satisfied Don's wish for "an archival digital format", the
archival industry did not support the company. It would be helpful to form
an alliance that would commercially support a format instead of just wishing
for one.

Media Sciences, Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
> [mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Steven C. Barr(x)
> Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:49 AM
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Hard disk drives and DAT
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Don Cox" <doncox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > I think an archival digital format that would last as long as Sumerian
> > clay tablets could be developed if the market was there.
> >
> > It would have to use physical pits rather than dye or magnetism.
> > Possibly some kind of toughened ceramic material would be suitable.
> >
> > Multiple layers, as on many consumer discs, would not be practical.
> >
> And what happens if these Sumerian clay tablets get wet and stay wet
> for any length of time? Most forms of mud dissolve under those
> conditions (an argument against building "my adobe hacienda"...)
> Steven C. Barr

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