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Re: [ARSCLIST] NAB vs. DIN recordings

At 08:41 PM 2007-03-25, Tom Fine wrote:
Hi Richard:

If the low-freq fringeing effects are common, that's one thing, but except for a classical music master made in a very quiet room with a very quiet recording rig, I doubt 1.7dB s/n degradation is very audible.

There is also a sense that I cannot put numbers to that recordings sound better when played with matching heads. It's subtle, but it's there. One thing with the wider heads 108 (I mis-spoke--thanks Eric) vs 82 mils gives a bit more robustness against minor level variations -- and, with the new numbers, it's 2.0 dB improvement in S/N. But if I have "grain" in the tape and average it over 82 mils vs. the same "grain" averaged over 108 mils, I will get a smoother sounding recording. It's more than just noise floor. I learned this on the full track Mulling recordings and it seemed to be true today with the CBC spoken word recordings.

The worst thing I've encountered with half-tracks were a bunch of tapes where the guy made recordings on "side A" on his first machine in the 1950's and then decided he'd record on "side B" with his new machine in the late 60's. Neither was in "standard" azimuth per my MRL tape and they weren't in azimuth to each other.

I hate it when that happens and yes, you've got to do two transfers. What about different azimuths within the side? OY!



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
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Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

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