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[ARSCLIST] Cassette tape with LOL

I have a cassette tape with a serious LoL problem (squeeling, distortion, slowing down) that I need to copy for a researcher (and for preservation).

Per previous ARSCLIST postings I tried the following to no avail:
1. Played the cassette on two different machines with same result (both Nakamichi's, CR5 and CR7).
2. Cleaned heads on both machines and played again with same results. No noticeable debris on heads as with SSS.
3. Adjusted azimuth on CR7 (I know, but I tried it anyway!).
4. Loosened screws on original cassette shell.
5. Replaced cassette shell altogether, kept original hubs.

I have not yet tried lubricants or isopropyl alcohol. Can anyone with experience in this regard tell me what the current thinking on this is, and how best to accomplish it?


Aurora Perez
Operations Manager
Stanford Archive of Recorded Sound
Braun Music Center
541 Lasuen Mall
Stanford, CA  94305-3077

Phone: (650) 723-9312
Fax: (650) 725-1145

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