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Re: [ARSCLIST] well, this might explain why so many sonic treasures languish in government warehouses

Yes, like I said, someone expecting CEO style compensation should go work as a CEO in the private sector. The problem with universities, museums and other institutions is that all too often you get (mostly) guys who can't cut it in the private sector but expect to be compensated like they work for GE. And, they are able to build feifdoms around them and live even larger, awarding their friends and punishing those who call for accountability. I can cite many a PBS station, for example, that have wasted millions on monuments to pure ego. Museums and universities are just as bad. If you're not into public service, you should stay out of the public sector.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Richter" <mrichter@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] well, this might explain why so many sonic treasures languish in government warehouses

Tom Fine wrote:

This guy is allegedly a "public servant." He should be fired and the office put under very strict oversight, with the executive budget cut to the bone. Someone wanting to get rich and live like a CEO doesn't belong in charge of the Smithsonian, or the LOC or any other government institution. Such jobs are not for those in it for the rich and famous living large life.

No wonder so much audio material in the hands of the Smithsonian will never be conveniently available to the public (public = owners and funders of said museum). Disgraceful!

-- Tom Fine

Bah, humbug.

$90K over 5 years -> $18K / year -> ~2% of his compensation, $900K/year according to that article.

I grant that waste of that sort should be stopped, but the greater 'sin' would appear to be his compesnation, not his expense account.

The argument will surely be that he is executive officer of an institution with X employees managing Y megabucks per year and that a million dollars a year is appropriate under those circumstances given corresponding salaries in industry.


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