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Re: [ARSCLIST] Using desiccant with audio recordings

Peter (and others),

On a related note, some moldy acetate reels arrived here
in ziploc bags recently. (1/4" tape, on 7 and 10" plastic reels.)

Typically, and only as a temporary solution, i would keep
them sealed and insert a desiccant into the bag...until such
time as i was able to give them a proper cleaning. But, given
that you're advising against the use of desiccants with acetate
tape, i'm having second thoughts.



Brandon Burke
Archivist for Audio Collections
Hoover Institution Archives
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6010
vox: 650.724.9711
fax: 650.725.3445
email: burke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Feb 14, 2007, at 11:03 AM, peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:


Polyester-base audio tape, all video tape and optical discs can benefit from
being stored with desiccant if the temporary storage environment is likely
to experience high humidity. These materials include moisture only as a
"contaminant" and do very well in extremely low humidity.

Acetate-base audio tape and film should NOT, as a general rule, be sealed
with a desiccant as some moisture is necessary for their "well being".

To tell acetate-base audio from polyester, simply hold the tape up with some
sort of light behind it. If you can see light through the side of the pack,
the base is acetate. If you can't see light, the tape base is polyester.
(note: be very careful doing this with pancakes- for obvious reasons.)

Peter Brothers

Tape restoration and disaster recovery since 1983

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Language Archives
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 4:08 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] [LA]Re: [ARSCLIST] Using desiccant with audio

Mike Richter wrote:
Language Archives wrote:
I have to pack up my archive for storage in the University library
while construction happens around my space. I was asked about the
need to put (advisability of putting) desiccant in with the
recordings. I don't know for certain how long they will be in
boxes--we may unpack them for access on the other end, and while they
think construction will end in August, who knows!

I suspect that it will be important to know two things: what sort of material (cylinders, 78s, lacquers, LPs, ??); what sort of storage environment.
Cylinders, lacquers, LPs, uncoated aluminum, wire, open reel (10-inch
pancakes--I have been reading that thread with interest!--7-inch and
5-inch reels), cassettes, CDs, DVDs (also some video: film,  VHS and
Beta, DV). I'm sure I missed something. These will be packed in boxes
with like materials.

As to the storage environment, I haven't seen it(!). If you have any
suggestions about questions to ask, that would be helpful.


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